Protecting the Association’s interests when members of the Board are involved in a suit can get complicated. Creating a committee for the purpose of handling the matter may be the best solution.
Free Educational Forum
The Community Association Law Practice Group of Becker & Poliakoff is pleased to announce that the Firm will be holding its Annual Community Association Leadership Conferences beginning on January 16, 2009. Becker & Poliakoff …
Q&A: The owner of the management company is also a resident/property owner in our community. Some of us feel that this creates a conflict of interest. What is your opinion on this?
In this case, the Cypress Bend IV Condominium Association (“Association”) filed a petition for arbitration against unit owners Cheryl Pepper and Richard Frisbie (“Respondents”). The Association alleged that the Respondents violated Article XIII, Section …
There are various safety retrofits required in the State of Florida, many of them involving elevators and fire safety. Every building in the State of Florida containing six or more stories is required to retrofit their elevators to allow operation …
Our homeowner’s association is considering taking on the task of fixing abandoned properties to preserve property values and to make the community more attractive to potential buyers.