New Law Addresses Building Safety
In a surprise move, the Florida Legislature decided in its pending Special Session to take up the “Surfside legislation” that did not pass during the Regular Session earlier this year. A Bill was adopted unanimously by the Senate on May 24, …
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Voting Requirements Cause Frustration
Q: The condominium documents for my association require that 75% of all members must vote to approve any amendments. The association has trouble even getting a quorum of members to attend meetings. Can the association approve an amendment based …
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Episode 26: Can My Employer Require Me to Be Vaccinated? – Can They Do That?
“My employer has said that all employees will be required to get the COVID-19 vaccination, even though the vaccine doesn’t have full FDA approval – Can they do that?” Becker Shareholder Jamie Dokovna discusses in a brand new episode! …
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Maintenance of Structure Usually Association Responsibility
Q: The foundation under my condominium’s sliding glass door has heaved which prevents me from opening the doors. My condominium manager says that I am responsible for taking out the slider door frame and grinding down the foundation cement. …
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Donna DiMaggio Berger Addresses Service Animal/ESA Challenge for Community Associations
Ensuring that a shared ownership community welcomes legitimate service animals and emotional support animals (ESAs) while protecting the group from fraudulent claims is one of the most complex issues facing volunteer boards today. Becker shareholder and executive director of the …
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Special Taxing Districts Explained
Q: What is an “MSTU”? My neighborhood association, which is voluntary, is considering getting one set up to maintain our roads. (P.K., via e-mail)
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Fining Procedure Details Explored
Q: Fining for violations has always been confusing to me, since most fines are cumulative or compounding for each day the violation is not corrected. Should the due date be following correction of the violation or whatever date the …
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Leasing Restrictions – Be Sure You Can Do What You Think You Can Do
For over a year, it would appear from the outside that the only issue Florida community associations have been dealing with is the pandemic. Those of us who work with, live in, or manage condominiums know this is not the …
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Playing for Keeps – What Rights & Authority Is an HOA Developer (or Successor Developer) Allowed to Keep after Turnover?
For many Homeowners’ Association (“HOA”) owners and board members, the words “turnover” and “transition” are two of the most anxiously anticipated yet mysterious terms in community association lingo. Often used interchangeably, the phrases generally refer to the period of time …
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