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Florida Condominium and HOA Directors Can Usually Serve on Committees

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Question: Can a board member also be a member of a committee, such as the fining committee or the landscape committee? (L.D. by e-mail)

Answer: Yes and no. Generally, a board member can also …

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Are Social Event Expenses a Proper Expense for Florida Condominium Associations?

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Question: My condominium association holds an annual holiday party at a nearby restaurant. The association pays for everything, including the banquet hall, food and refreshments, by using common funds. Is this a proper common expense? J.A.

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Condo Associations Must Make Records Available Within Five Working Days of Written Request

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Question: In a recent article, you stated that the Florida Condominium Act requires associations to make records available within 5 working days of a written request. However, I thought that the Association has 10 working days to provide …

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Florida HOA Board Required to Act in Response to Member Petition

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Question: I am the president of my homeowners’ association and recently the board voted to proceed with a construction project within the community. Shortly after the vote, the association received a petition signed by a number of owners …

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Condo Balcony Grills Still A Burning Issue in Florida

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Question: In your February 10, 2016 blog post, you stated that electric grills are no longer permitted to be used or stored on condominium balconies. I consulted with our local fire marshal who issued a letter that says …

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Can My Condo Snuff Out My Right to Smoke?

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Question: I have owned my condominium unit for more than 14 years. I enjoy having an occasional cigar at the designated smoking section provided at the condominium pools.  About a year ago, a new board decided to ban …

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7 Year Rule Does Not Apply To All Condo Records

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Question: I recently contacted my condominium association asking to review various records since I have some serious questions about how things are being done. I asked to see all the election documents and was told the management company …

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HOA Documents Govern How Assessments are Allocated

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Question: Our subdivision has 20 platted lots. At the time of initial development, one owner purchased two lots and built one home on the combined lots. Our homeowners’ association has only assessed this owner as if he only …

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Grilling on the Balcony: What is Permissible in Florida Condominiums?

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Question: My unit has a screened balcony (some people call it a “lanai”). I understand that I cannot use a gas grill out there, but I enjoy using my electric grill when the weather is nice. The association …

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Are Skylights A Window or Part of the Roof?

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ThinkstockPhotos-493921397Question: I live in condominium consisting of 46 free-standing single family homes; 22 of them were built with skylights. During the rainy season, my roof developed a leak originating from the skylight. When I reported the leak, …

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Can a Realtor Request a Copy of the Association HOA Budget?

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Question: Can a realtor request a copy of the association HOA budget? One of the properties in our Association went through all the foreclosure proceedings and the bank is now the owner. A realtor who is representing the …

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Town Hall Meetings Can Trigger Sunshine Law

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493958387Question: Our community holds monthly “informational” meetings, held right before the board’s regular meeting. All members are encouraged to attend, and the manager is there as well. Board members do not “run” the meeting, but …

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