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Florida HOA Boards May Appoint an “Election Committee”

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Question: Every year our homeowners’ association’s board appoints an “election committee.” The committee makes sure that the meeting notices are sent out, and otherwise runs the election, including counting the ballots. This year, the chairperson of the committee …

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Condominium Board Cannot Wink at House Cats

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Question: Our association has a “no pet” policy, going back to the developer’s original bylaws. The board has generally enforced it, but has let a few elderly owners keep “indoor cats,” since they really do not bother anyone. …

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Florida Condo Associations Cannot Waive Year-End Audits for More than Three Consecutive Years

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Question: Our annual budget is always over $500,000 and requires a year-end audit unless waived by the owners, which I understand cannot be done more than three consecutive years. Is there a penalty and what could happen if …

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Departing Condominium Board Member Must Relinquish Keys Within Five Days

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Question: Recently, our association’s president resigned and took a job with our management company at another complex. While our office manager was on vacation this former president was in her office for a few hours. If he resigned …

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Can a Candidate Withdraw From a Condominium Election and Then Change Their Mind?

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Question:  The bylaws of our condominium association specify that the board of Directors shall be comprised of not less than five nor more than seven members.  Six members filed their applications for candidacy by the required deadline (40 …

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Voter Apathy Plagues Florida Community Associations

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Question: Our condominium association has been trying to amend our condominium documents since the developer sold out 10 years ago. The documents require 75% of all unit owners for amendment. This has failed several times, primarily due to …

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Assessments and Combined Lots in Florida HOAs

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Question: I live in a homeowners’ association community. Recently, one of our owners purchased the vacant lot next to their home. The owner has now combined the properties into one parcel with the taxing authorities and is now …

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Florida Condominium and HOA Fining Laws are Slightly Different

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Question: There seems to have been a lot of change in the law about fining. Has the legislature finally made the condominium statute and the homeowners’ association statute the same on this issue? (C.M. by e-Mail)

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Secondhand Smoke on Condominium Lanai: What are my Rights?

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Question: I just read the question you answered in one of your prior columns about a man wanting to smoke cigars in the common area of his condominium complex. You said that “the ill-health effects of secondhand smoke …

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Florida Condominium and HOA Directors Can Usually Serve on Committees

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Question: Can a board member also be a member of a committee, such as the fining committee or the landscape committee? (L.D. by e-mail)

Answer: Yes and no. Generally, a board member can also …

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Are Social Event Expenses a Proper Expense for Florida Condominium Associations?

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Question: My condominium association holds an annual holiday party at a nearby restaurant. The association pays for everything, including the banquet hall, food and refreshments, by using common funds. Is this a proper common expense? J.A.

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Condo Associations Must Make Records Available Within Five Working Days of Written Request

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Question: In a recent article, you stated that the Florida Condominium Act requires associations to make records available within 5 working days of a written request. However, I thought that the Association has 10 working days to provide …

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