The 2016 Legislative Session ended without any significant piece of community association legislation passing. While there were many bills impacting community associations that were filed and heard in committee, none of the major bills actually made it to the floor of either the House of Representatives or the Senate. Nevertheless, it is important to look back on the 2016 Session and the bills that were considered because it is likely that these issues will continue to be debated in the future. In addition, there are some bills that passed that will be of interest to community associations, including one that will impact the way community associations process rental applications from service-members. In addition, this year’s Guide will focus two very important pieces of legislation that passed during previous legislative sessions, but are now becoming more important—fire sprinklers and electronic voting.
The 2016 Guide includes the following features:
• A summary of the bills that passed, and a summary of the significant bills that did not pass.
• Links to the legislative websites where you can access the final “Enrolled” version of the bills.
• Links to the legislative websites with the biographies of the bill sponsors.
• Information about electronic voting and Becker & Poliakoff’s new online voting software, BPBALLOT.
• Information about fire sprinkler retrofitting and opting out of fire sprinklers.
• Case Summaries
• A list of recommended “Action Steps” for associations as a result of legislation and case law.