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All Posts By Jennifer Biletnikoff

Options for Dispute Resolution in Condominium Associations

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Peace is Not the Absence of Conflict, it is the Ability to Handle Conflicts by Peaceful Means  – Ronald Reagan

On July 1, 2021, changes to Florida law opened the door to allow condominium and cooperative …

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Hope for the Best; Prepare for the Worst: Preparing for the 2022 Hurricane Season

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Q: My condominium association just sent all owners a copy of a hurricane plan that lists the actions the association will take if our area is impacted by a hurricane watch or warning. If the association is responsible for protecting …

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Director Compensation: Do I Get Paid for This?

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Q:  I am considering running for the board of my condominium association. However, there is a lot of work involved in being on the Board. It can be a thankless position, which discourages many owners from volunteering. Can we …

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Hold Up: 5 Areas to Negotiate on Elevator Maintenance Contracts

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Properly operating elevators rank near the top of the most important — and most visible —equipment in a community association. Yet some communities sign standard service contracts without giving the terms much thought. …

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Short-Term Rental Developments: Profits Not Necessary to Violate Residential Use Covenant

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Short-term rental arrangements continue to plague community associations, with owners and powerful lobbying groups for companies like Airbnb constantly devising new tactics for avoiding restrictions.

“With Airbnb and those platforms becoming such a huge percentage of rentals,” says Jennifer …

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Court Finds Short-Term Rentals Violate Deed Restriction

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The current economic climate combined with COVID-related migration has many homeowners exploring the revenue generating options of their properties, which can put them at odds with a community association’s mission to cultivate residential harmony and lead to legal proceedings.

Becker Shareholder …

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“What’s New in Rules and Restrictions,” Community Association Management Insider

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Shareholder Jennifer Horan weighs in on amending community association governing documents to include restrictions on the use of surveillance cameras. “The Ring doorbell has been a huge issue because the span [of the captured images] is so far that they can …

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Is Second-Hand Smoke Leaving a Bad Taste in Your Mouth?

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Is Second-Hand Smoke Leaving a Bad Taste in Your Mouth?

Snuffing out Smoking in Your Condominium Association

Long gone are the days when you would be greeted at a restaurant with the …

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“Someone is Sick: Now What?,” Community Association Management Insider

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What do you do when one of your community association members is diagnosed with the coronavirus (COVID-19)? Becker Shareholder Jennifer Horan reminds board members to exercise caution when considering privacy rights of residents, while also being transparent.

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Slow Your Roll: How to Address Speeding Issues in Your Association

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Speeding is a big problem for many community associations — a problem that is not always easily addressed or corrected. How can your board slow the speed of traffic in your community?

If your association does not currently …

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