Q: I understand that if the board of directors posts notice for a meeting, and a majority of board members are there, that is a board meeting. However, what if a board just holds a workshop to discuss certain items and to get input, but no vote is taken. What is that, and is that permitted? (R.P., via e-mail)
A: A board “meeting” is generally defined as any “gathering” of a “quorum” of the board members gathered to “conduct association business.” Breaking this down into its basic components, a gathering is any physical or virtual assembly, or combination thereof. Board members may participate in board meetings in person, by telephone with speaker phone at meeting site, or by remote video means.
Board Workshops Covered by Sunshine Law
Can a Married Couple Both Serve on the Board?
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Parliamentary Procedure: How to Keep Your Meetings on Track with Parliamentarian Jim Slaughter