Q: I live in a condominium that does not allow pets of any kind, and never has allowed them. One of the reasons I purchased a unit in this condominium is because I don’t like pets and I don’t want to be around them. Last year my condo board allowed a new owner, who is blind, to have a service animal. I had no problem with that decision. However, another long-time owner has recently been given permission from the condo board to keep a cat in her unit. When I expressed my objection to this decision at a recent board meeting, the board said that this unit owner met the qualifications under the law for a reasonable accommodation and that the board had no choice but to allow the cat. The board also mentioned the owner having some certification for the cat that further justified the decision. When I pressed the board for more information about this certification they told me the owner got it off the internet. What is the current state of the law on this issue? Are no pet restrictions still enforceable? H.H.