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Bylaws Generally Provide for Notice Requirements

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Q:        I am a board member of an HOA. Our documents provide that U.S. Mail is the only acceptable means of providing notice to owners. I thought email was recently approved by the legislature as an acceptable means …

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Associations Have Their Own “Sunshine” Laws

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Question:        I live in a condominium and have heard that The “Sunshine” Law will allow me to speak at an upcoming board meeting. How does this work? (J.B. via e-mail)

Answer:        Florida’s …

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How Our National Political Discourse Parallels Our Community Association Discourse

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It’s hard right now to turn away from the 24/7 news cycle and its discord, rancor and heated rhetoric. When we spend the majority of our time discussing just 20% of the topics which concern us, we cannot commit time …

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Voter Apathy Plagues Florida Community Associations

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Question: Our condominium association has been trying to amend our condominium documents since the developer sold out 10 years ago. The documents require 75% of all unit owners for amendment. This has failed several times, primarily due to …

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Are Social Event Expenses a Proper Expense for Florida Condominium Associations?

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Question: My condominium association holds an annual holiday party at a nearby restaurant. The association pays for everything, including the banquet hall, food and refreshments, by using common funds. Is this a proper common expense? J.A.

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