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Bylaws Generally Provide for Notice Requirements

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Q:        I am a board member of an HOA. Our documents provide that U.S. Mail is the only acceptable means of providing notice to owners. I thought email was recently approved by the legislature as an acceptable means …

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Florida HOA Boards Must Follow Correct Rule Procedures

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Question: Our homeowners’ association documents say that the board can adopt rules, but don’t spell out how to do it. What procedures that must be followed? Can the board adopt a rule at a regular meeting and then …

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Florida Shared Ownership Statutes Continue to Catch up with Digital Age

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Given the significant percentage of Floridians living in all types of shared ownership communities, it is not surprising that each year we see at least a handful of bills pass which directly or indirectly impact those private residential communities and …

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Changes to Chapter 558

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Chapter 558, Florida Statutes, the construction defect and notice statute, was changed by the legislature in the most recent term. The changes made by the legislature are as follows:

  • The term “completion of a building or improvement” …

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