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Tag Archives Florida

Becker & Poliakoff Offers Condominium & HOA Classes Throughout Florida

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We are committed to sharing our legal knowledge to help others. We do so by offering State-approved educational resources in various forms, including more than two dozen courses, conferences, panel discussions, personal meetings, and webinars that you can conveniently attend …

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Condominium Associations Should List Their Attorney as the Registered Agent

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Question: I am the President of my condominium association.  I just found out that the association was sued by a disgruntled owner.  Unfortunately, I just recently learned that the association has been “defaulted” in the lawsuit because we …

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Criminal Penalty, Fire Sprinkler, Estoppel and HOA Rental Bills

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Condo Criminal Penalties Bills

Senator Rene Garcia and Representative Jose Felix “Pepi” Diaz filed SB 1682, Relating to Condominiums, and HB 1237, Relating to Condominiums, respectively, which include board member term limits and criminal …

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Does Electronic Voting For Community Associations Really Work? How Do You Implement It?

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Question:  I heard that the law in Florida recently changed and that owners in community associations can now vote electronically. What is required to implement electronic voting in my community?  And does it really work?  A.A. via …

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Florida Association Boards Can Adopt Rules for Records Requests

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Question: In a recent column, you said that an owner wanting to inspect association records has to make a written request. Does a request by e-mail satisfy the law? (B.H. by e-mail)

Answer: While …

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President Can’t Buck the Association Board in Florida HOAs

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Question: I am one of five directors on my homeowners’ association’s board. After this year’s annual meeting, we elected new officers. The person voted in as president says that he can make any decision he chooses, and does …

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Florida HOA Boards May Appoint an “Election Committee”

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Question: Every year our homeowners’ association’s board appoints an “election committee.” The committee makes sure that the meeting notices are sent out, and otherwise runs the election, including counting the ballots. This year, the chairperson of the committee …

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Condominium Board Cannot Wink at House Cats

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Question: Our association has a “no pet” policy, going back to the developer’s original bylaws. The board has generally enforced it, but has let a few elderly owners keep “indoor cats,” since they really do not bother anyone. …

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New Florida Condo Bill Filed by Senator Garcia Includes Criminal Penalties

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Last month, the State Attorney for Miami-Dade County released a Grand Jury Report titled “Addressing Condo Owners’ Pleas for Help:  Recommendations for Legislative Action”.  You can read the Miami-Herald Article about the Grand Jury Report here.

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Breaking Up is Hard to Do: Part I – How to Navigate Management Company Transitions

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Hopefully, most of us enter into relationships with the expectation that they will last. However, for those of us past adolescence, we realize that even long-term relationships can end and, even when they were good for a long time, the …

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