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Tag Archives Shutters

“Non-Vote” Can Be A “No Vote”

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Q: The declaration of covenants for our homeowners’ association says that it can be amended by a “two-thirds vote.” There are 120 lots in our community. Most people believe that we need 80 votes (two-thirds of all lots) to …

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Owners Can Add Items to Board Agenda

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Q:        In a homeowners’ association, can residents request items be added to the agenda for board meetings, or can only directors do this? If so, is there a deadline by which items must be placed on the …

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Board Must Allow Hurricane Shutters

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Q:        Our condominium documents require owners to maintain windows. The board wants to encourage (or even force) owners to install impact glass. Can the board dictate the type of new windows that have to be installed? Also, why …

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