2018 Legislative Session Preview
The 2018 Legislative Session is scheduled to begin on January 9, 2018, and end on March 9, 2018. The following are some of the bills that have been filed that, if passed, will have an impact on community associations.
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Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Community Association Workplace
Sexual harassment is not often thought about in the context of community association law. The reality, however, is that the number of sexual harassment claims brought against community associations has skyrocketed in recent years, making it imperative that a community …
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Medical Marijuana and Your Florida Community
Citizens in the Sunshine State approved Amendment 2, which legalized the use of medical marijuana, by a 71% margin. Florida is expected to log more than $1 billion in medical marijuana sales by 2019, according to a report compiled by …
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What’s New With Official Records?
The Condominium Act (“The Act”) has a catchall provision which essentially provides that “other written records” related to the operation of a condominium are considered official records of an association. In 2017, the Act underwent some changes as it pertains …
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Stopping the Limitations Clock in Bank Foreclosures – Bartram v. U.S. Bank
Associations across Florida have anxiously awaited the Florida Supreme Court’s decision in Bartram v. U.S. Bank Nat. Ass’n, 2016 WL 6538647 (Fla., November 3, 2016). While the underlying facts in Bartram are somewhat convoluted, the …
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Did you know?
Yeline Goin, is the Executive Director of our Community Association Leadership Lobby (CALL). CALL’s sole purpose is to enhance the quality of life and protect property values for Florida’s community associations and residents. CALL helps draft legislation, offers legal insight and analysis for community leaders and members, and provides valuable resources aimed at making the daily operation of Florida’s community associations easier. Visit CALL’s website by clicking the button below.