ATTEN-TION! What is Board Member Boot Camp?
Board Member Boot Camp is a fun and interactive military-themed Board certification course designed to assist volunteer board members in carrying out the often rigorous duties associated with serving on their board of directors. This popular certification program, brought to you by Becker & Poliakoff, covers a wide range of topics veteran board members and newcomers on the board need to know in order to safely operate and administer their communities within the confines of the common interest ownership statutes and their governing documents.
Board members will learn how to negotiate contracts with vendors, the correct way to conduct meetings, when and how documents and rules should be updated, the essentials of budgeting, reserves and financial statements, safely screening potential new purchasers and renters, how to navigate Fair Housing and other legal landmines, what it means to be a fiduciary and much more!
In military boot camp, soldiers endure a rigorous training program to prepare them for potential battle. In the context of Board Member Boot Camp, our training is meant to help our “soldiers” do battle, when necessary, with large insurance companies, bad contractors and employ best practices to defuse skirmishes with association members.
Avoiding Conflict and Maintaining Stable Relations - BEST PRACTICES 101
Business Judgement and Identifying and Avoiding Fraud - TACTICAL STRATEGIES
Strategies for Collection of Delinquent Accounts and Economical Survival - BEST PRACTICES 201
Board and Committee Meetings; Elections and Recall; and Official Records
Becker and Poliakoff hosts Board Member Boot Camps for communities throughout Florida. To schedule a session for your association, or for membership information, call 954.987.7550.
About Becker & Poliakoff
Becker grew out of its pioneering role creating the law pertaining to the operation of common ownership housing, with many of the leading cases in the field bearing the firm’s name. In keeping with our commitment to our clients and the industry, Becker attorneys provide over 200 educational classes per year for board members and managers, and also advocate on behalf of clients through the firm’s lobbying arm, the Community Association Leadership Lobby (CALL).
Our attorneys are recognized as individual leaders in the field through published works, public service, legislative activities, and industry group leadership positions. Several attorneys are members of the prestigious College of Community Association Lawyers (CCAL).
Becker has more Board Certified Attorneys in Condominium and Planned Development Law than any other law firm in the state of Florida. Board certification demands rigorous testing and is in recognition of having the highest standards of skill, specialty knowledge, proficiency, professionalism, and ethics in community association law.