2019 Legal Update
Provider #0000811 | Course #9629142 | 2 CE Credits (2 LU)
Presented by __________
In this course, participants will receive a review of the laws passed during the 2018 Legislative Session impacting condominiums, cooperatives, homeowner associations, timeshares and the community association management profession. It is designed to provide board members and community association managers with a working knowledge of the changes to the law to assist them in ensuring compliance within their community associations.
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Anatomy of a Water Leak
Provider #0000811 | Course #9626648 | 1 OPP Credits or 1 ELE Credits
Presented by __________
Water leaks are a major concern to association boards and unit owners alike. Come join attorney Jay Roberts as he guides your association through the process of handling a water leak from detection through repair, insurance coverage and reconstruction responsibility, and potential liability claims.
Some topics to be discussed:
- Practical Issues
- What Was Damaged
- Who Pays? – Maintenance Damage v. Casualty Damage
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Architectural Control and Enforcement for HOA’s
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – OPP Credits or – ELE Credits
Presented by __________
Participants will be given an overview of §720.3035, F.S. and related laws to provide an understanding of how to process architectural requests in accordance with State Law and the Association’s Governing Documents. Options available to Boards of Directors for “After the Fact” Architectural changes are also discussed.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
•Section 720.3035, F.S.
•Exceptions/Limitations to Association Authority
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Ask Your Lawyer
Provider #0000811 | Non-Credited Course
Presented by __________
Please join attorneys, ________
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Budgeting and Reserves – For Managers Only
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – IMF Credit or – ELE Credit
Presented by __________
Come join us and learn the steps it takes to create a successful budget and reserve plan. When creating a financial plan for your association there are many things to consider, such as “operating expenses.” In this course, you will learn how to create and maintain a proper budget and reserve plan.
Topics we will cover include:
Budget Planning
• Workshop meeting notice requirements
• Components of a budget
• Calculation of assessments
Adopting The Budget
• Boards vs. Members
• Statutory Requirements vs. Bylaw requirements
• 115% Rule/ Alternative budget
• Affidavit of mailing
• Meeting minutes
Reserve Requirements
• Straight Line Reserve Calculations
• Conversion of Straight Line to Cash Flow Reserves
• Use Of Reserve Funds For Other Purposes
• Transferring Money Between Reserve Account
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

CO-OP Board Member Certification – This class is not meant for HOA and Condo Boards
Provider #0000811 | Course #9622994 | 1 HR Credit or 1 ELE Credit
Presented by __________
If you are planning to serve on your Cooperative association board, you probably know that you will need to comply with Florida’s certification requirements within 90 days of being elected.
Our Cooperative Association Board Member course is tailored specifically to certify condo board members. Your participation will satisfy the statutory requirement so that you are eligible to serve on your condominium association board. More importantly, it will provide the tools and information you need to perform your job well and to avoid any potential liability associated with your new role.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
• Defining your fiduciary duty
• Analyzing association operations
• How to properly maintain the association’s books and records
• The pros and cons of alternative dispute resolution
• Avoiding common election pitfalls
• Preparing budgets & funding reserves
• Understanding financial reporting requirements
• Assessing insurance needs for common areas
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

CONDO Board Member Certification – This class is not meant for HOA and Cooperative Boards
Provider #0000811 | Course #9628449| 2 CE Credits (2 IFM or 2 ELE)
Presented by __________
If you are planning to serve on your condo association board, you probably know that you will need to comply with Florida’s certification requirements within 90 days of being elected.
Our Condominium Association Board Member course is tailored specifically to certify condo board members. Your participation will satisfy the statutory requirement so that you are eligible to serve on your condominium association board. More importantly, it will provide the tools and information you need to perform your job well and to avoid any potential liability associated with your new role.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
• Defining your fiduciary duty
• Analyzing association operations
• How to properly maintain the association’s books and records
• The pros and cons of alternative dispute resolution
• Avoiding common election pitfalls
• Preparing budgets & funding reserves
• Understanding financial reporting requirements
• Assessing insurance needs for common areas
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Collection & Foreclosure Strategies for Community Associations
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – CE Credits (- IFM or – ELE)
Presented by __________
Are collection issues still plaguing your association? Are bank foreclosures dragging on for years with no end in sight? Are you confused about the changes in laws affecting association collection rights and remedies?
Please join us as we explore the fundamentals of collections and discuss effective legal strategies as well as practical techniques to solve your collection issues.
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Condo Construction Defects 101
Provider #0000811 | Course #9628296 | 1 OPP Credit or 1 ELE Credit
Presented by __________
- Identifying Defects that Will be Your Claim
- Deadlines for Claims
- Warranties
- Who is the Claimant?
- Who Can be Sued?
- What are Your Claims?
- What are your Defenses?
- What Will be Your Recovery?
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Construction Contracts: Why You Should Never Accept the Contractors Form
Provider # 0000811 | Course #9626155 | 2 OPP Credits or 2 ELE Credits
Presented by __________
Guiding you through construction contracts and the basics of Florida’s construction lien law, this class is designed to educate board members and community association managers to be aware of pitfalls in construction contracts that are used for maintenance and renovation projects.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
• Importance of verifying Certificate of Insurance
• Common mistakes to avoid and unanticipated issues that may arise
• How to avoid double payments
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Construction Issues: Post Developer Turnover
Provider # 0000811 | Course #9629253 | 2 OPP Credits or 2 ELE Credits
Presented by __________
Participants in this course will learn the keys to a successful transition from developer to association control as it relates to construction defects and required legal requirements.
Topics covered:
- What is a Developer Transition Study and should one be performed?
- What can be expected after a study is completed?
- The keys to a smooth transition.
- Association obligations to operate and maintain the condominium common elements What is the role of the Association in identifying and remedying such issues?
- What is the importance of the building code and if the building received a certificate of occupancy does that mean everything is fine?
- Who is responsible for defects in the original design or construction and what can legally be pursued.
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Covering Your Assets: Avoiding Board Member Liability
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – IFM Credits or – ELE Credits
Presented by __________
If you agreed to serve on your board, you will want to be sure you have the tools and information necessary to understand your responsibilities, discharge your duties in accordance with the applicable law and your governing documents, and avoid any potential liability associated with your new role.
Participants will learn about the board member’s fiduciary duty to the association, and how to protect the association and themselves from liability while conducting the business of the association. Included is a discussion of the most frequent mistakes made by board members.
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Dealing with Difficult People
Provider # 0000811 | Course #962—- | – CE Credits (- HR or – ELE)
Presented by __________
Working with community associations involves interaction with members, association directors, attorneys, accountants, and other service and product providers. For managers. this requires the development of people skills to help them deal with personalities, stresses and demands which arise during the course of everyday operations.
In this course, managers will learn:
• how to tailor problem-solving skills to different personalities and approaches to life
• constructive approaches to handling telephone conversations and in-person confrontations
• the dynamics of interactions having the potential to become adversarial and learn skills necessary to affect behavior and resolve issues in a way that creates satisfaction in the consumer
• specific tips for working with all kinds of challenging people and ways to bring out the best in themselves and others
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Disaster Preparedness and Recovery: Are you Ready to Weather the Storm?
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – HR Credit and/or – OPP Credit
Presented by __________
Is your community prepared in the event that a hurricane strikes through your city? In this special course we will go over practical tips for developing and implementing a disaster recovery plan for your community.
Managers and board members will learn:
• Steps to take to protect life and property
• Recover and post event steps
• The ins and outs of contracting before and after the hurricane
• How to document a claim
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Do’s and Don’ts of the 40 Year Certification Process
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – OPP Credit or – ELE Credit
Presented by __________
This course is designed to train Community Association Managers (CAMs) and volunteer board members/community leaders about the Miami-Dade and Broward 40 Year Recertification / Building Inspection Program. Participants will learn about the history of and reasons for the program, the timeline and actions necessary for compliance & the building components to be inspected.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
- History and reasons behind the program
- Yearly schedule implemented by building officials
- Obligation to hire and selection of architect or engineer upon receipt of notice from building official
- Description of structural inspection / building components examined and typical issues building owners/manager need to address
- Description of electrical inspection / components examined and typical issues building owners/managers need to address
- Timeline for completion of work
- Contracting considerations / financing or funding considerations for the work
- Penalties for non-compliance
- Case examples
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Electronic Media for Community Associations – Faxing, Emails and Electronic Voting
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – ELE Credit
Presented by __________
As a community association board member or manager, you use electronic media every day. Although convenient, more inclusive, and more efficient, electronic media requires an understanding of the legal issues involved with its use.
In this class, we will discuss the current laws pertinent to the use of email, digitizing records, and online voting as well as a forthcoming law which will require certain associations to have websites and include a portal for Estoppel requests on those websites.
Some of the Topics we will cover include:
Email Communications
- Between Board Members
- Between Directors, Members, and Third Parties
Official Notices to Owners
- Membership meetings
- Board meetings
- Committee meetings
Receipt of Information from Owners
- Official record requests
- Written inquiries
- Proxies
- Voting certificates
- Ballots
Electronic Voting
- Adopting Resolutions
- Owners’ Consent
- Official Records Requirements
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

HOA Board Member Certification – This class is NOT for Condominium Boards or Cooperative Boards
Provider #0000811 | Course #9626873 | 2 HR Credits or 2 ELE Credits
Presented by __________
If you are planning to serve on your homeowner association board, you probably know that you will need to comply with Florida’s certification requirements within 90 days of being elected.
Our HOA Board Certification class is designed to satisfy the statutory requirement so that you are eligible to serve. More importantly, it will provide the tools and information you need to perform your job well and to avoid any potential liability associated with your new role.
Topics Covered:
• Defining your fiduciary duty
• Analyzing association operations
• How to properly maintain the association’s books and records
• The pros and cons of alternative dispute resolution
• Avoiding common election pitfalls
• Preparing budgets and funding reserves
• Understanding financial reporting requirements
• Assessing insurance needs for common areas
• Defusing conflict within the community
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

HOA Construction Defects 101
Provider #0000811 | Course #9628474 | 1 OPP Credit or 1 ELE Credit
Presented by __________
This course is designed to teach board members and community association managers how to identify construction defects at an HOA and obtain compensation so that the owners aren’t required to pay a special assessment to pay for the needed repairs.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
- Identifying Defects that Will be Your Claim
- Deadlines for Claims
- Warranties
- Engineering and Turnover Reports
- Pitfalls to Avoid
- How to Obtain The Best Recovery Possible
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

HOA/CONDO Board Member Certification
Provider #0000811 | Course #9628926 | 2 ELE Credit
Presented by __________
If you are planning to serve on your association board, you probably know that you will need to comply with Florida’s certification requirements within 90 days of being elected.
Participants will be provided with a broad overview of the many responsibilities and areas of oversight required by condominium and homeowners’ association board of directors.
In this course, participants will learn about:
• Condominium and HOA operations
• Records maintenance and owner access to records
• Dispute resolution options
• Budgets and Reserves
• Election Requirements
• Financial Reporting
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

HOA/CONDO/CO-OP – “Everything you Wanted to Know About Being a Board Member…But were Afraid to Ask!”
Provider #0000811 | Course #9626099 | 3 ELE Credits or 3 HR Credits
Presented by __________
If you are planning to serve on your association board, you probably know that you will need to comply with Florida’s certification requirements within 90 days of being elected.
Our Board Member course is tailored specifically to certify hoa, condo and co-op board members. Your participation will satisfy the statutory requirement so that you are eligible to serve on your condominium association board. More importantly, it will provide the tools and information you need to perform your job well and to avoid any potential liability associated with your new role.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
•Defining your fiduciary duty
•Analyzing association operations
•How to properly maintain the association’s books and records
•The pros and cons of alternative dispute resolution
•Avoiding common election pitfalls
•Preparing budgets & funding reserves
•Understanding financial reporting requirements
•Assessing insurance needs for common areas
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

How to Properly Run an Election – For Managers Only
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – CE Credits (- HR or – ELE)
Presented by __________
Participants in this course will learn how a Community Association election is carried out with an overview of the election and voting procedures.
Topics covered:
- Elections and Voting
- Notice Issues (Timing, Form, Substance)
- Nomination/Intent to be a Candidate
- Errors on Notices, Roster, Ballots, Envelopes ….How to Handle
- Voting Certificates
- Election Procedures
- Electronic/Online Voting
- Best Practices to Avoid Headaches at the Meeting
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Is a “No Pet” Building a Thing of the Past?
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – ELE Credits
Presented by __________
Community association managers will learn about the Fair Housing laws on the State, Federal and local level that impact community operations and actions with respect to requests to maintain emotional support animals on the property despite pet or animal restrictions. In this course, managers will learn:
Topics Covered:
- The Fair Housing Act
- Disability or Handicap
- Physical Impairments
- Mental Impairments
- Major Life Activities/Functions
- Substantial Major Life Activity Limitations
- Establishing a Handicap/Visible Handicap
- Discrimination/Failing to Make Reasonable Accommodations and Modifications
- Reasonable Accommodations
- Exceptions
- Prima Facie Case of Discrimination
- Competing Definition of Service Animal Under ADAAA and FHAA
- Training- Discernible Skills
- No Training Required
- Philadelphian Owners v. HUD
- HUD v. Fox Point
- Handicap Not Obvious
- Association is “Skeptical” of Information Provided
- Avoid Pitfalls of Discrimination
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Navigating the Litigation Quagmire
Provider #0000811 | Course #9628485 | 1 ELE Credit or 1 HR Credit
Presented by __________
This class will prepare Community Association Managers for the litigation process. How many times have you found yourself searching for evidence years after a case has been initiated and are unable to come up with documents that should be easily found in the Association’s records? We will guide you through the record keeping process in preparation for the possibility of litigation. What about that time you were subpoenaed to testify in the Association’s lawsuit against the developer or against a unit owner for a rules violation? This class will prepare you for testifying in court, appearing at a deposition and for attending a mediation on behalf of the Board.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
•Records Maintenance – What to Save
•Presuit Actions
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Turnover from Developer Control
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – ELE Credit or – OPP Credit
Presented by __________
In this course, Board Members and Community Association Managers will learn what turnover from developer means. We will go over the turnover process, including how to prepare for the turnover meeting. Additionally, attendees will learn about Construction Defect Claims and when a lawsuit should be filed.
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________

Understanding Our “Bylaws” – A Primer on Governing Documents
Provider #0000811 | Course #962—- | – CE Credits (- OPP or – ELE)
Presented by __________
Participants will learn the important differences between association documents, how to read them and how Florida Statutes affect them.
Some of the topics we will cover include:
• Governing Documents (Declaration, Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws)
• Amendments
• Restrictions & Responsibilities of Owners
• Maintenance of Common Elements
• Marketable Record Title Act (MRTA)
________________ will be provided.
This class is complimentary, but seating is limited.
Registration is required.
PLEASE NOTE: ___________